Description: Description: Relic of Saint Bernadette



                                          NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EIGHTEEN APPARITIONS


                                                 OUR LADY OF LOURDES  TO SAINT BERNADETTE



 Number                        1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10         11





Date                          (11)      14      (18)       19       20      21       23       24       (25)      27         28



Day of the

    Week                    Thurs.  Sun.   Thurs.    Fri.      Sat.    Sun.   Tues.     Wed.   Thurs.  Sat.      Sun.




Number                        12     13     14         15          16





Date                              1       2        3          4          (25) *  "I am the Immaculate Conception"



Day of the

    Week                     Mon.  Tues.    Wed.   Thurs.    Thurs.




Number                        17





Date                          (7) *  The Miracle of the Candle



Day of the

    Week                    Wed.



Number                      18




Date                          (16)  * The last apparition


Day of the

    Week                   Fri.                                




1.         There were eleven apparitions in February (1858)  2=11,  2/11 is the feast of Our lady of Lourdes.

            On the ninth apparition, St. Bernadette discovered the spring.  It was on the 25th of February.

            It is interesting that this event is reflective of the date:  [  9 Times 25 = 225  (2/25)  ]

            Nine times any number always equals nine, when the result is added together.  The number

            nine is indestructible in the function of multiplication!



2.         In March  (1858) the third month , there were five apparitions  3=5. Saint Bernadette went to

            heaven at the age of 35.



3.         In April  (1858) there was one apparition  4=1. Saint Bernadette was 14 years old at the time

            of the apparitions. One apparition on the seventh of April  7=1.  January the 7th  1/7 is the

            birth date of Saint Bernadette. April the seventh is also number 17 of 18 apparitions.

            ( 4/7 The Miracle of the Candle)



4.        July  (1858)  (one apparition ) was the final apparition  7=1.  In France, St. Bernadette`s birth

           date is described  7th January  7/1.  This apparition was on the 16th, 16=1. In number 16 of 18

           apparitions, Our Lady identified her self to Saint Bernadette by saying  " I am The Immaculate

           Conception ". It was this apparition which caused the people to take Saint Bernadette

           seriously about the visions.


          It is interesting that Our Lady chose to identify her self on the feast of the Annunciation;

          March the twenty-fifth!




       2/11 The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes        2/27-3/4 = 06 apparitions in a row.

       2/18 The feast of Saint Bernadette               2/18-2/21 = 04 apparitions in a row.

                                                                          2/23- 2-25 = 03 apparitions in a row.


      2/11, 2/14, 3/25, 4/7 and 7/16 =  05 apparitions took place on days in which no apparition took place

      the previous or following day.

      The 25th is the only date which holds ownership to two apparitions  2/25 and 3/25.



              There are 08 even numbered dates and 10 odd numbered dates , 8+10=18.


                     Addition Of Even                         Addition Of Odd

                          Numbered                                    Numbered

                               Dates                                            Dates


                               14                                                  11

                               18                                                  19

                               20                                                  21

                               24                                                  23

                               28                                                  25

                               02                                                  27

                               04                                                  01

                               16                                                  03

                 __+___________                                   25

                             126                                                  07




          Note that the addition by even or odd results in the same three numerical digits,126 and 162.

          The addition of the two results (126+162) = 288.  2+8+8=18 for the 18 Apparitions.

          1+8=9 the number of indestructibility.


                     Day                  Sat. = 02                   Number     ( 2 x 3 x 1x 2 x 3 x  5 x 2 ) = 360

                                           Sun.  = 03

                     Of                 Mon. =  01                      Of

                                          Tue.   = 02                Apparitions

                    The               Wed.  =  03                       On

                                        Thurs. =  05                  That Day

                 Week                Fri.   =  02              Of The Week


                                  TOTAL    =  18                                                     


         Five times on a Thursday ,March provides five apparitions,

         the last one of the month  ( 3/25 ) was on a Thursday.


         Three times on Sunday and Wednesday .

         Two times on Saturday Tuesday and Friday.


      One time on a Monday which was in the month of march.


      Three in a row = 03 ------> four in a row =04------> five were not consecutive --------> = 05

       and six in a row = 06.   

      This phenomenon discloses a consecutive count !

      ( 3 times 4 times 5 times 6 ) = 360

      There are 360 degrees in a circle . A circle represents a complete cycle.


     In 1858 there were 18 apparitions, one apparition for each century since the birth of Christ!





                  The year of  1858 contained  28 days in the month of  February.   +  


                                                            Andres J. Washington